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- /*
- */
- /*
- * (c)Copyright 1994 by Tobias Ferber.
- *
- * This file is part of AmigaBASIC->ASCII.
- *
- * AmigaBASIC->ASCII is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1 of the
- * License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * AmigaBASIC->ASCII is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with AmigaBASIC->ASCII; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- #include "abasic.h"
- static unsigned char *codeptr;
- /*
- Print unknown token values and character codes and warn about them.
- The value of n should be 1 (for one character) or 2 for a word of two.
- */
- static void p_unknown(int n, ...)
- {
- va_list argp;
- va_start(argp, n);
- fprintf(ferr,"%s: ",whoami);
- if(infile)
- fprintf(ferr,"%s: ",infile);
- fprintf(ferr,"%ld warning: Can't expand that token: ",current_line);
- if(n==1)
- { vfprintf(ferr,"<0x%02x>",argp);
- vfprintf(fout,"<0x%02x>",argp);
- }
- else /* n!=1 */
- { vfprintf(ferr,"<0x%02x,0x%02x>",argp);
- vfprintf(fout,"<0x%02x,0x%02x>",argp);
- }
- fprintf(ferr,"\n");
- fflush(ferr);
- va_end(argp);
- }
- /*
- These functions return the next byte, word, long, float or double from the
- current code line (codeptr). No memory border checking will be performed.
- get_float() and get_double() are very, very hacky!
- */
- static int get_byte( void )
- {
- return ( (int)*codeptr++ ) & 0xFF;
- }
- static int get_word( void )
- {
- return ( (*codeptr++ << 8) + *codeptr++ ) & 0xFFFF;
- }
- static long get_long( void )
- {
- return ((long)get_word() << 16) + (long)get_word();
- }
- /*
- Die 32 bit der Fließkommazahlen einfacher Genauigkeit von links nach rechts:
- 1 bit Vorzeichen (0=pos, 1=neg)
- 7 bit Exponent (2er-Potenz zur Multiplikation mit der Mantisse)
- 24 bit Mantisse mit führendem 1 bit (normalisierte Darstellung: 1<= m <2)
- Beispiele: 1.0 = 0x3f800000 Die kleinste darstellbare Zahl ist
- -1.0 = 0xbf800000
- 0.0 = 0x00xxxxxx -38
- 10.0 = 0x41200000 1.8 * 10
- 0.1 = 0x3dcccccd
- */
- static float get_float( void )
- {
- float f;
- *( (long *)&f ) = get_long();
- #ifdef _DCC
- f *= 4.0;
- #endif
- return f;
- }
- /*
- Die 64 bit der Fließkommazahlen doppelter Genauigkeit von links nach rechts:
- 1 bit Vorzeichen (0=pos, 1=neg)
- 11 bit Exponent (2er-Potenz zur Multiplikation mit der Mantisse)
- 52 bit Mantisse mit führendem 1 bit (normalisierte Darstellung: 1<= m <2)
- Beispiele: 1.0 = 0x3ff0000000000000 Die kleinste darstellbare Zahl ist
- -1.0 = 0xbff0000000000000
- 0.0 = 0x000xxxxxxxxxxxxx -308
- 10.0 = 0x4024000000000000 2.23 * 10
- 0.1 = 0x3fb9999999999999
- */
- static double get_double( void )
- {
- double d;
- *( (long *)&d ) = get_long();
- (void)get_long(); /* ? */
- return d;
- }
- #define unget(n) codeptr-=(n)
- static void expand_token( int t )
- {
- switch( t )
- {
- /**/case 0x00:
- fputc( '\n',fout );
- break;
- /**/case 0x01: /* variable reference */
- {
- short id;
- char *s;
- id= get_word();
- if( s = get_sym(id) )
- {
- fputs( s,fout );
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(fout,"var%04x",id);
- warn("%ld: warning: reference to undeclared variable id %d",
- current_line,id);
- }
- }
- break;
- /**/case 0x02: /* label definition */
- {
- short id;
- char *s;
- id= get_word();
- if( s= get_sym(id) )
- {
- fputs( s,fout );
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(fout,"label%04x",id);
- warn("%ld: warning: label definition w/ undefined symbol id %d",
- current_line,id);
- }
- }
- break;
- /**/case 0x03: /* label reference */
- if( get_byte() == 0)
- {
- short id;
- char *s;
- id = get_word();
- if( s= get_sym(id) )
- {
- fputs( s,fout );
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(fout,"label%04x",id);
- warn("%ld: warning: reference to label w/ undefined symbol id %d",
- current_line,id);
- }
- }
- break;
- /**/case 0x08:
- get_byte(); /* conditional skip (introduced by <0xc4,0x44>) */
- get_byte();
- get_byte();
- break;
- /**/case 0x0e: /* 0x00 + 2 byte line # reference */
- get_byte();
- fprintf( fout, "%d", get_word() );
- break;
- /**/case 0x0f: /* 1 byte decimal integer */
- fprintf( fout, "%d", get_byte() );
- break;
- /**/case 0x0c: /* 2 byte hex integer */
- fprintf( fout, "&H%x", get_word() );
- break;
- /**/case 0x1c: /* 2 byte integer */
- fprintf( fout, "%d", get_word() );
- break;
- /**/case 0x1d: /* 4 byte float */
- fprintf( fout, "%g", get_float() );
- break;
- /**/case 0x1e: /* 4 byte decimal integer */
- fprintf( fout, "%ld", get_long() );
- break;
- /**/case 0x1f: /* 8 byte double */
- fprintf( fout, "%g", get_double() );
- break;
- /**/case '\"':
- {
- int c;
- fputc( t,fout );
- for(;;)
- {
- c= get_byte();
- if(c)
- {
- fputc( c,fout );
- if( c == '\"' )
- {
- c= get_byte();
- if( c == '\"' )
- {
- fputc( c,fout );
- }
- else
- {
- unget(1);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else /* c == '\0' */
- {
- unget(1);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /**/case 0x3a:
- t= get_word();
- if(t != 0xafe8) /* tick'ed REMark */
- fputc( 0x3a, fout );
- unget(2);
- break;
- /**/case 0xaf: /* REM */
- {
- int c= get_byte();
- if( c != 0xe8 )
- {
- fputs( tok_tab[t-tok_min], fout );
- unget(1);
- }
- else fputs( tok_tab[c-tok_min], fout );
- while( c= get_byte() )
- fputc( c,fout );
- fputc( '\n',fout );
- }
- break;
- /**/case 0xbe: /* WHILE */
- fputs( tok_tab[t-tok_min], fout );
- get_byte();
- break;
- /**/case 0xf8:
- t= get_byte();
- if( f8_min <= t && t <= f8_max )
- {
- if(f8_tab[t-f8_min])
- fputs( f8_tab[t-f8_min], fout );
- else
- p_unknown(2, 0xf8,t);
- }
- else p_unknown(2, 0xf8,t);
- break;
- /**/case 0xf9:
- t= get_byte();
- if( f9_min <= t && t <= f9_max )
- {
- if(f9_tab[t-f9_min])
- fputs( f9_tab[t-f9_min], fout );
- else
- p_unknown(2, 0xf9,t);
- }
- else p_unknown(2, 0xf9,t);
- break;
- /**/case 0xfa:
- t= get_byte();
- if( fa_min <= t && t <= fa_max )
- {
- if(fa_tab[t-fa_min])
- fputs( fa_tab[t-fa_min], fout );
- else
- p_unknown(2, 0xfa,t);
- }
- else p_unknown(2, 0xfa,t);
- break;
- /**/case 0xfb:
- t= get_byte();
- if( fb_min <= t && t <= fb_max )
- {
- if(fb_tab[t-fb_min])
- fputs( fb_tab[t-fb_min], fout );
- else
- p_unknown(2, 0xfb,t);
- }
- else p_unknown(2, 0xfb,t);
- break;
- /**/default:
- if( 0x11 <= t && t <= 0x1a)
- {
- fputc( t - 0x11 + '0', fout ); /* digits '0'..'9' */
- }
- else if( tok_min <= t && t <= tok_max)
- {
- if(tok_tab[t-tok_min])
- fputs( tok_tab[t-tok_min], fout );
- else
- p_unknown(1,t);
- }
- else
- {
- if( isprint(t) )
- fputc( t,fout );
- else
- p_unknown(1,t);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- void expand_code( void )
- {
- for(current_line=1; code_buffer; current_line++)
- {
- codeline_t *cl= code_buffer;
- char *s= codeptr= cl->s;
- int i= get_byte(); /* indentation */
- while(i--) fputc( ' ',fout );
- if(cl->flags)
- {
- switch(cl->flags)
- {
- case 0x80: /* line # definition */
- fprintf( fout,"%d ",get_word() ); /* decimal number plus 1 space character */
- break;
- default:
- warn("%d: warning: unknown code line prefix 0x%02x",
- current_line, cl->flags);
- break;
- }
- }
- do {
- expand_token( get_byte() );
- } while( (long)codeptr - (long)s < cl->len );
- if( (long)codeptr - (long)s != cl->len )
- warn("%d: warning: expanded %ld of %d code bytes",
- current_line, (long)codeptr - (long)s, cl->len);
- code_buffer= code_buffer->next;
- free(cl->s);
- free(cl);
- }
- if(current_line-1 != numlines)
- warn("warning: expanded %ld of %ld code lines", current_line-1, numlines);
- }